
Preparing our media for the Hospitality Expo this week has made as realize just how many clients we have!

The above are just a small portion of venues / businesses we have provided solutions for just in the last year!

Double Lucky

We’ve been helping this super-swank small bar for some time now. PA upgrades & repairs, storm damage and more…

The SKY is the Limit

Having recently relocated to Joondalup we have continued to meet all of SKY Managements IT and logistic requirements. With interests in Metro & Regional hospitality operations numerous projects are undertaken for them each year.

Major Clients



Hirers of “industry standard” DJ source gear and sound reinforcement with brands including Pioneer, Technics, Martin and dbx you can expect first rate gear from one-off to permanent hires all at excellent rates. House parties, clubs and outdoor shows can all be catered for. Factotum Industries will be working closely with Damian and his staff on many projects.