Cross x Talk is an interactive audio sculpture based on a Vietnam era VHF military field radio.
It records “transmissions” from those who interact with it and plays other recordings from previous interactions.
Subtly lit and left in remote / wooded areas it beckons people closer with static filled squawks from its in-built speaker.
A small instructional plaque encourages people to take the handset and begin broadcasting…
It was originally conceived for the remote regional event “Pox Eclipse” based on the Mad Max theme. Sadly the event (like many) was cancelled due to pandemic issues.
Some months later the installation was given a beta test at Blossom Festival where it was installed deep in a wooded area (unmarked on the map) where it was accidentally discovered by numerous participants who contributed radio calls, perplexed questions and even musical performances.
ALTeRnaTe VerSioN
The sculpture was entered for an art grant for Blazing Swan (Regional Burning Man Event here in Western Australia) over Easter.
It was denied any funding for inexplicable reasons.
So in conjunction with the team from Intelligent Deviant the sculpture was re-conceived as “BBC” – the Blaze Bureau of Complaints. This parody piece was planned to be installed at the ID Theme Camp and take the misgivings of participants. “Blaze was better next year” has always been a tongue in cheek motto of the event and people would finally be given a chance to have a humorous whinge.
In an act of irony this event was also cancelled due to lockdowns.
Current Status and Developments
Cross x Talk has been through a number of upgrades in this interim period including :
- A change to vintage incandescent lamps for authenticity
- A swap of the handset to a H-250 unit with better fidelity
- Modifications to to code / design to reduce handset noise
- The addition of IR motion sensors to allow better interaction with participants
- The development of “The Ra Accumulator” – a solar / PV system for powering the unit remotely
- Creation of etched identification plaques
- Additional military stencilling of the chassis
Cross x Talk remains ready for deployment to the field on short notice…